Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Electrification of the Village

One major project we are working on is to bring electricity to the village. Last year the Department of Energy gave us a quotation for how much we would have to contribute to extend the grid from Nabouwalu to reach us. They only surveyed the main village and didn't include any of our seven settlements. Over half the people in our community live in the surrounding settlements.

We recently submitted a request for a new survey to be done that would include all the settlements as well, arguing for inclusive development. We will only have to raise 5% for the total project and the government will donate the rest. We raised a motion in the District meeting yesterday to get the local government's support for electrification. They said they would support us and ask someone to come to our next village meeting to talk about it.

One the way back from the meeting, a man was stopped on the road and already surveying the village! He was drawing a scheme plan with all the houses and connecting lines.

Hopefully by this time next year all 117-ish houses in our community will have electricity! While it takes some of the romance away from living in a rural coastal village, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one there who looks at it that way. Everyone is looking forward to it as an improvement to the standard of living. It will also hopefully  help bring the settlements and the village together, as often the settlements are left out of big projects.

I guess I wouldn't complain if I could have a small refrigerator! Dreams of yogurt, cheese, and cold beer are filling my head!

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