Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Master’s Research Kicks Off at Workshop on Tavea Island

Last week I had the pleasure of traveling to Tavea Island in the District of Lekutu to attend a Resource Management Planning Workshop facilitated by Wildlife Conservation Society. This workshop was the first of a series, with the same concepts as the ones that have been held in our District and attended by our village environment committee. It was designed to raise awareness about Ridge to Reef management and help community members begin to identify targets and threats to healthy and connected ecosystems.

What was especially great for me was that we had a whole session on the third day for participants to be introduced to basic network concepts, to fill in the SNA questionnaire, and also to discuss barriers to collaboration/communication for effective resource management. While I played a key role in helping design the research methods, two facilitators from WCS carried it out in Fijian. It went over really well, although I have not yet had a chance to begin data entry and analysis.

I’m actually glad now that things didn’t go as planned when we tried to do the first round of sampling last October. It gave us a chance to improve our methods and simplify the questionnaire. Hoping to do some preliminary data entry in the next week to check for anything we may need to improve before our next sampling in late Feb-early March. 

Tavea Island Locator Map

Tavea Island, Lekutu District, Bua Province -- The white in the center is the village (about 30 houses). You can walk from one side to the other in less than a minute!
As we headed to the boat landing we found our fellow facilitators stuck in the mud.

View from Vanua Levu out to Tavea (on right).

Transport out to Tavea.

Kini Koto presenting basic network concepts to workshop participants.

A woman filling out the SNA questionnaire.

Facilitators leading participants through the questionnaire.

The workshop ended by releasing a tagged hawksbill turtle, "Adi Tavea", back to sea.

For an overview of my research see this post from last year: Social Network Research in Bua

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